Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cut Heads, Pi Contests, Crashed Cars and JIMMER!!!!!

The past month has been one of ups and downs. Not too long after getting back from Boston, Nate came running into the kitchen holding a wad of paper towels on the back of his head. He had slipped on the ice on his bike pulling into our friends' driveway. Lets just say....HUGE CUT.....TONS OF BLOOD!!! Thankfully the mom of the family was there and got him the towels and put him in the car and brought him home. She was also sweet enough to stay here with Evan and Ginny when I headed out toward the emergency room. Thank you, Susan!! As I drove, I had the thought that I should call the doctors office which is on the way to the hospital. The one doctor who does stitches happened to be in so they said we could come by there. To be truthful, if they would have realized how badly he was cut, they probably would have sent him on to the hospital, but by the time we got there, it had kind of clotted up and didn't look as bad. We learned differently when the Dr started cleaning the wound. That blood was spraying all over the place. YUK!!! But he got him stitched up and we didn't have to go to the hospital which I was very thankful for. One week later, the stitches came out and all is well. Crazy.
On a positive note, our Nate won his school's PI contest on March 14th. He successfully recited 225 digits of pi. Way to go, Nate.

This is the blueberry pie that Nathan made for PI DAY. Looks pretty good, huh?

He got this big cookie (seems like it should have been a pie) for winning the contest.

Check out the cool "super PI"shirt that he got, too, and of course the ribbons. Way cool.

On a sad note, Clarissa died (or at least will require major surgery). Clarissa is the car that Megan drives. There was an accident in the school parking lot where there was a mix up with the gas and the brake. We are still deciding if it makes sense to fix Clarissa. For right now, Megan is driving Theresa. This is the green loaner car from the station. Megan is really hoping that Clarissa will return, but we will have to see. Here is a picture of Megan and Clarissa in happier albeit snowier times.

And now....


It has been an unbelievable year for the BYU basketball team. SO MUCH FUN. Their point guard, Jimmer Fredette, has received national attention because he is so good and so much fun to watch. His scoring is amazing and he is a real team player. BYU is currently in the NCAA sweet 16 which they haven't been in for about 30 years. Megan even went a little crazy with her photo shop program and created the following. We got a good laugh about it. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mr Evan

Well, the day finally arrived. EVAN HAD HIS SEVENTH BIRTHDAY!!! Our number seven, Evan from Heaven, turned seven. It has been a really tough thing for Evan to wait for. He really is getting so big. Here are a few of the things that he has been up to lately along with a few photos from the various celebrations.

I found this little note on my bedroom door earlier this month. Loved it!!

This one was on the cupboard when I came home one day after visiting teaching....so fun!!

Here, Evan wanted to get started practicing for t-ball. Since we don't actually own a tee, he improvised and came up with this idea. It works pretty well. Good job, Evan!!!

Sure love that smile.

Birthday Morning....His card from Megan

Opening his card from Grandma and Grandpa Tucker

More presents

This photo needs explaining for multiple reasons. First of all....Steve really was not near as grumpy as this photo makes him look. Secondly, Evan decided that he wanted an apple cake for his birthday. I don't even remember him having one before, but he was definitely set on it. Since the recipe I made ( which was absolutely delicious, by the way) did not call for icing, we put a big 7 on top with whipped cream. Evan was delighted.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Fun Trip to Boston/Happy Birthday Janelle

Since Janelle, Scott and Alan now live so close in Boston, we decided it would be so fun to go up there over the President's Day weekend. Grandma was also able to come with us. In fact, since Ginny's paw was taking a little longer than ususal to heal, we ended up taking her and her crate along, too. It was a full car and the weather in Boston was soooo cold, but we still had a wonderful trip. Janelle's birthday is Feb. 22 so we even got to celebrate with her a few days early.

We loved being able to see their awesome house and playing ball with Alan in the basement.....SWISHHH, SWISHHH, Ahhh BISSSSS!!!!! We went to the Harvard Museum of Natural History, attended church with them at the Weston Second Ward, and also got to attend a session at the Boston Temple. At the temple, who should check us in but Brother Chatfield. He had served with his wife as a senior couple missionary in Albania with our son, Geoffrey. We knew he was from the Boston area, but never thought about the fact that we would see him there. Steve had some fun by asking him how he liked serving in Vlore, Albania on his mission. He looked at Steve a little funny and said..."I liked it very much." After explaining that we were Geoffrey's parents it was so fun to talk to him about the mission, the Phillies-Red Sox rivalry, etc. We got to meet Sis. Chatfield after our session. Such nice people!
What a fun filled weekend! Thanks for your hospitality Robertson family. We hope to see you all again soon.

Evan and Mom/Grandma and Alan

Wow...What a huge turtle shell

Checking out the huge whale bones

Having a great birthday dinner for Janelle (Alan's mommy) at PF Changs. Thanks Great-grandma Foulk.

Wow, that sunlight it bright!!

Alan in his living room....

..in the tub..

...with Uncle Evan

Poor Ginny in her lampshade collar

Mommy blowing out the birthday candles led to.........

....kind of a sad Alan. We weren't exactlly sure what made him so sad but....

...the cake tasted great!!!!

Clowning around

Gotta love that chocolate ice cream!!!

Hey Grandma, can I show you around my house? Here is the toilet.....

...and the door to the basement....

...and our dryer downstairs......

...Wait, Grandma....Don't go up quite yet. Don't you want to play a little ball?

Okay...this is my bedroom, and.....

Hey, Grandma, can I take a picture of you?

One, Two, Three......CHEESE!!!

Thanks for taking this and most of the other pictures of our great trip, Megan.

The whole gang.....and Steve, Janelle, Scott, and Grandma at the temple.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Snow and Valentines Day Pancakes

It has been another very snowy, cold winter. I don't think that we have gotten as many inches as we did last year, but the cold has made the big snows that we did get last a long time. I think that we just saw the last of all the snow on our property melt yesterday, Feb. 28th. That means that we have had snow in some form since we got the big snow fall the day after Christmas. Crazy!!!

For Valentine's day we had our traditional heart pancakes. It is a simple but fun tradition that we used to do in my family growing up. YUMMMM!!

Ginny's Surgery

In January we took Ginny to the vet. She had one toe that was sticking up and that the nail had grown very long on. We found out that she actually had a tumor in one of her nail beds and that she would have to have her toe amputated. Bummer. She went in for the surgery in late January and it took about a month to fully recover. She didn't want to leave the foot alone after she got her bandage off so she had to wear the lampshade collar for a while...such a pathetic little sight...but she is all better now.

The kids commiserating with Ginny after she got home from her surgery. What a lucky puppy!

Our Snowflake Gallery

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On one of the days when Nathan and I were out blowing snow for someone after one of our big snow storms, Megan and Evan spent some time cutting out some really cool snowflakes. When we got home they had made a whole display of them in our kitchen window. We added a few snowmen that Evan made and a great snowman picture that our cousin Hannah sent us and we have a beautiful snowflake gallery that we are still enjoying. Thanks, everyone.

Family Photos

We got some family photos taken over the holidays. Here are some of the best ones.