Saturday, November 30, 2013

Halloween - 2013

As the kids have gotten older, the focus on costumes for Halloween has gotten less each year.  But the carving of pumpkins continues to be a family tradition.  Here are the very creative carvings of this year.  It made for a fun family home evening.  

Nathan taking off the top while Evan does his dot outlining with some help from Dad

Such concentration

Evan with his finished pumpkin

The scary shot

Nate's finished product....

....and the two pumpkins together.  Great job guys!!!!!

Evan was our lone dresser-upper this year.  After much thought he decided on.....

Here he is relaxing after Trunk-or-Treating

The Tabernacle Elementary School Halloween Parade
(our last one, by the way)

With his class and teacher, Mr. Yates....

...better known as the Duck Dynasty guy.

Happy Halloween 2013!!!!


  1. Awh mom that is so sad it's your last TES Halloween parade! Evan looked so good in his Elvis costume. Did you make it? I love Nate's pumpkin as well. Nice!

  2. Haha this is awesome. Minus the Jazz Pumpkin (Booo!)....Just kidding, it looks fabulous! Well done all around! I didn't know Mr. Yates was Evan's teacher
