Friday, October 18, 2013

Grandpa Gets to Visit Utah

Steve was lucky enough to be able to go out and visit Emily, Jim, and little Jimmie over the last weekend in September and to participate in Jimmie's blessing.  Here are some of the great photos from his trip.

Grandpa and Jimmie in front of Em and Jim's house

Having some fun (I think) with Grandpa

Yep....having lots of fun

Trying out Grandpa's shoulders

Hi (and by the way I'm a little nervous here), Mom

Blessing Day with Jim, Emily, Jimmie, and Steve

A gorgeous view of the mountains

Steve and Emily on their outing through the canyon....

...and Steve striking a GQ pose.  

It was a short trip but such a good one!!!

The Tall One Loses Some Teeth

I decided to capture some of the moments after Nathan had his wisdom teeth out.  There were some pretty funny moments but unfortunately, the video wouldn't load.  Here are a few stills.

He was busy telling me a story here.....

So willing to "smile" for the camera

At home, we rigged up this cool way to hold his ice bags.  So stylish!!

We're just happy all went well and he is back to "normal" now.  Long live Bob Marley!!