Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Garden Update

Last year Steve decided that it was time to try a garden again. We had tried it multiple times years ago when we first moved into the house here on Plymouth Ct. but always had problems with the deer eating our plants. After a lot of frustration, we finally gave up and only planted the occasional tomato plant. Last year we (and four kind missionaries serving in our area) brought in top soil and built a garden spot close to our house. We learned some things in our planting last year and had some successes.
This year we have tried it again with some new experiments. It has been a very wet spring which has helped our plants grow very tall. They look great but now we just hope that they will actually produce some vegetables for us. We have eaten a few things from it already like collard greens, peas(well, a few) and some green onions which actually came back from last year when we thought they had been a failure. Who knew? We are also trying some potted tomatoes which we have put inside our pool fence. We cheated a little with these because we bought plants that were quite mature and then re-potted them in a bigger container. Where the tomatoes in our garden are just flowering, the potted ones are loaded with little tomatoes. It will be fun to see how they do. Hopefully we will have tomatoes coming on at different times and will always be able to have a nice ripe one available.
Evan is especially excited about the garden and checks on it religiously. He can even look down on it from his bedroom window.
If there is a new flower or a bee buzzing around, Evan will find it. If things ever need watering, Evan is on the job. It has been fun to watch his enthusiasm. So far, so good....we are hoping for some new successes and are sure we will learn a lot in the process.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty impressive. I think you'll have to bring your green thumb (or Evan) when you come out here... our "garden" is beginning to fail miserably. I just bought some miracle gro in hopes of saving it...
