Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Missionary Update - Elder Foulk

Geoffrey has been serving in the Albania Tirana mission since October of last year. He spent almost three months in the Provo MTC...

and then traveled to Albania the first part of January.

He has loved the people there and has learned a lot...not the least of which is the Albanian language!!! He has served in Vlore,

then he served in Durres,

and he is currently serving as the mission secretary in the office in Tirana.

Each assignment has been a new adventure. He has had some great teaching experiences and has been able to be a part of a number of baptisms. Right now he is learning a lot about the way a mission office runs and is working very closely with the president. We love getting his letters and the great photos he sends. Go Elder Foulk!!!


  1. Looks like a good Missionary, that Elder Foulk!

  2. I love the labeled picture. so random. I think he just feels the need to do that since he can on an office computer as opposed to the library ones. I love how he labels himself. haha.
