Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Steve's Birthday and Other January Happenings

It has been a very mild January...well actually, a very mild winter...thus far. Great for getting around and doing things but not so great for the heating oil business. :(
In addition to our fun Sixers game we have also done some other exciting things. To celebrate Steve's birthday, he and I went to NYC to see The Lion King. It was actually pretty cold that day, but we still had a great time.

Steve and the fabulous strawberry cheesecake that his mom made him for his birthday. Wow...look at all those candles!

Evan got a special gingerbread house making kit for Christmas. One night while Steve and I were out, Megan and Nate helped him make it. Pretty impressive, I think!

Evan was not really wanting to pose for a "normal" photo that night. :)

We also tried our hand at homemade individual pizzas. This was Evan's. Can you see the face? It was a lot of fun, not to mention...DELICIOUS!!


  1. So fun. I love the pizza! What are the eyes made of and did he eat the veggies? Maybe we'll have to try this with Alan...

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! I wish we'd have remembered to make that Gingerbread house with him over Christmas break! I remembered about a week after I was home. Oh well, looks like it turned out great! And we need to see a picture of Nathan without his braces :)

  3. Janelle...the eyes are made of slices of fresh mozzarella. Dad stopped at the store on the way home to get a few "special" toppings.
