Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some Fun Summer Times and Places

It was so fun to have Geoffrey here with us for a week before starting his training in Virginia.

Steve in his new float

Evan doing the length of the pool underwater....Nice!!

We got our Meg home for about seven weeks in between semesters.  Meg has decided that she will put in her mission papers so she has been busy getting them ready.  She was happy to take a few minutes for some Rita's, though. 

Oh....and some Wawa, too.

We visited Philadelphia last Saturday and were able to check first hand on the progress being made on the temple.

Future tour guides?

A construction view with the little Albanian church in the background

And another with the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul across the expressway

We took everyone to see Wicked in Philly.  Steve, Megan, and I have already seen the show so we bought really cheap seats so the boys could see it.  But we learned that there are actually seats where you can't really see the stage.  Thankfully a nice usher found some different ones for us.  It was a great show

This was the view from our first seats.....beautiful, but not Wicked.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Very fun things! That pool float looks awesome :) And nice work Evan! I love how Ginny just stands there watching like, "What on earth is going on here? Oh well. I don't care."
