Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcoming the Tall Ships to Philadelphia

 Steve took Nathan and Evan over to the Delaware River to see the tall ships in mid-October.  They got to see several tall sailing ships in the river and the oldest steel gun ship still afloat, as well as visit the Independence Maritime Museum.  

Steve with one of the tall ships in the background

 Evan on the deck of the Olympia overlooking the Delaware River. The Olympia was a fascinating tour.  It is the oldest steel gunship still afloat.  It served from 1895-1922 and is most famous as the flagship of commodore George Dewey in the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish American War.    

 Nathan examining one of the tall ships while docked.

 The "Mystic Whaler" with sails down.

 Several of the ships sailed up and down the river. 
This is a photo looking north under the Ben Franklin Bridge.

The Hindu (above) is an 87 year old schooner.  She sailed to India to bring spices back to the US and served during WWII searching for German U-Boats.

Nathan and Evan with the Olympia in the background.  It was windy but a nice day.  

Thanks for taking such great photos and telling us about the day, Steve.  It looks like a great trip!


  1. It's good to see Nate SMILING in some pictures! Looks like you guys are having a good time...when I come home for Christmas we will have to do some things as girls. Good thing you have Ginny :)

  2. Very, very cool! I can't believe how big the boys are getting. Nate's looking especially old. Crazy!
