Friday, May 30, 2014

Idaho in the Spring

We got to make a family trip to Idaho/Utah this spring.  We actually bought the plane tickets for the purpose of preparing for and attending Meg's wedding, but when those plans changed we decided to still go ahead with our travel plans and spend some time with family in the West.  Emily was also going to be graduating from BYU, so we were excited to be able to be there to see her walk.  

Since I had planned to go out a week early to help Meg, I got a little longer trip out of the deal.  I flew into Salt Lake on April 10th and rented a car to drive up to Idaho.  Since Emily had that week off from school, she and Jimmie drove up to Salt Lake so that we could get some lunch in SLC before I headed north.  It was so fun to see them, especially since we hadn't seen each other since last August in Tennessee.

Jimmie enjoying his Wendy's french fry and trying to decide who this strange woman is

He warmed up after a while!! 

I got to ride next to Jimmie on the way to the park.

We didn't have a blanket with us and he was not too sure about the grass, so we put my jacket down and that seemed to be ok.

He tried crawling out on that stuff but was not a fan.

His little foot had just accidentally touched the can see he was very concerned.

Let's face it....Life is just better when Mommy holds you.  :)

After our little lunch date, I headed up to Idaho.  I love the drive up because the mountains and scenery in general are so beautiful.  

I even stopped and took a selfie with my favorite mountain just south of Brigham City.

Headed toward the Malad Summit - So Pretty!!

The night I got home, we had some great family time.  Jeri, Brian, and Jan came over to Mom and Dad's house and we stayed up waayyy too late visiting.  Somehow we found out that it was National Siblings Day so we decided to take this photo.  Unfortunately, I had been up for about 22 hours at this point and definitely look like it.  Love these guys!!!

We managed to fit in a trip to The Cocoa Bean with Jeri, Olivia.......

Grandma, and Hannah!!  YUM!!

I went up to Rexburg and got Megan on Saturday.  That night we had a big family get together at Jeri's house for Spencer and Frank's birthdays which are one week apart.  Here are Hannah and Meg at the party.

And the birthday boys.....Spencer and Frank!!

Brian, Samantha, Meg at the party

This was a fun lunch we had at Cafe Rio...
Meg, Grandma, Jan, Annjennette, Abby, Katie, and Jeri

I got to go to the IF temple twice during my visit.  Here is the first time with 
me, Jan, Dad, Mom, Brian, and Jeri.  No nice to be able to go together.  Steve,
Grandma Foulk, Nate and Evan arrived later on the afternoon this photo was taken.

Steph, Mark and Karsten arrived on Friday and 
Grandma Foulk got to see Karsten for the very first time.  

"Hi Grandpa Foulk""

"I know you're talking to me, Grandma, but there's someone taking a picture of me."

Such a cutie!!

Lots of hugs!!

Steph and Karsten - so cute!!!

Look at those eyes!!

So, Meg and Nate might have stayed up a little late the night before....

Karsten getting his bath.....

.....and loving that cool shower ball

After the nap, Aunt Meg was ready for her loves, too.

At Jan's house that night, Karsten was a hit - and Emily and Jimmie arrived, too.
Here's Karsten with his Great Aunt Jeri.

Saturday morning - The Dynamic Duo - Jimmie and Karsten

"Hey Karsten, If you're just watching The Chipmunks, 
could I play with ALL these toys please?"

"Umm, I'll just keep this one close if that's ok."

"Dude, that's ok, but watch out....

.......I can walk with this thing." 

Aunt Emily helping Karsten do some walking, too

Marc making us some delicious scrambled eggs.....Nice apron!!

Karsten with Great-Grandma Tucker

Great Grandma had this really cool little basket with plastic eggs in it that Jimmie LOVED!!

"See my cool egg, Grandma!!"

Karsten and Mommy

A big smile from Karsten

Karsten with his happy Daddy and Mommy

Grandma Foulk doing a cream pie demonstration

These three girls had gotten together at Thanksgiving and tried to make 
Grandma's pie recipe without much success.  They decided to 
videotape her skills for future reference.

Our eggs - ready for the Easter Bunny to come hide them

Jimmie ready for some lunch.....

...and playing a game with Aunt Meg

Some outside blanket time with the two little cousins

A little blurry... but here's a photo of Jimmie with
both of his great-grandmas and his mommy

Playing outside with Mommy and Daddy

And Grandpa, the photographer

Jimmie is still not too sure about that grass
Two sisters, two fun!!!

I think he might be happy here  :)

Karsten with his Great Grandpa Tucker 

Karsten checking out the cows at Reed's Dairy
with Grandpa and Mommy

Emily and Jimmie checking them out, too

Karsten trying out his walking at Reed's

It was fun to be able to share Easter with my family this year.  It was especially fun to have the little guys there for their first Easter.  Here are a few photos from the egg-finding escapade.

Evan looking for eggs

Karsten with his Daddy

Nate checking out Grandma and Grandpa's Russian eggs with Grandpa in the background

"Check out this cool yellow one, Mom!"

"I'll keep an eye on these, guys!"

"I got another one!"

"Wow, this one was really hidden!"

Going for a little walk

"Thanks, Aunt Meg.  This one was really high."

"Got it!"

Good job, Evan!!

Looking pretty thrilled, don't you think?

"An egg on a pineapple, Dad?"

"Do we have them all?"

"I'll just check."

The Easter Bunny even brought baskets for the great-grandparents.  
I think they were surprised.

Daddy showing Karsten how pinwheels work

"Pretty cool, huh?"

"Wow, Mommy, that is so fancy!!"

We finished this bad boy while we were there.  
500 pieces-less than two hours.  Pretty impressive!!

Easter Sunday

Karsten and Mommy

Practicing his standing with Daddy - and Aunt Emily watching

"Um, Mom, I'm pretty sure I need you to open these for me."

A four generations shot
Caroline, Steve, Karsten, and Stephanie

Another one - Jill, Steph, Karsten, and Glenda

Steph and Karsten both look a little sad that it's time for him to go

Evan by the famous Idaho Falls

Grandma, Steve, and Evan with the falls and the temple in the background

Thank you so much, Grandma and Grandpa Tucker for putting up with us
and helping to make our trip so special.  Happy Easter, 2014!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I hadn't seen all of the Easter shots. We don't have many so thanks for sharing!! Glad you got that puzzle finished :) It was way nice to be able to get together with you guys and hang out for a while!
