Thursday, June 19, 2014

Some May Days

The month of May started out with Cherry Hill Stake Prom.  This was Nathan's first time taking a date since he wasn't sixteen last year.  He went with Hayley Shipley and I thought they made a very nice looking couple.  Here are some of the photos from that evening.

Hayley and Nate by her front door

They have a Japanese Red Maple in their front yard, too.

Then we went to the Drinkwater home to take group pictures.  
Here's another non-group one of the two of them.  Hayley said she was happy that she could wear heels since Nate is so tall.  :)

Zach Johnson and Chloe Casper

Nick Poaletti and his date

Group shot - featuring previous couples plus Steven Castellano and date, Courtney McLain, and Joe Jett.  

A candid shot

And another posed one  

Steven, Nate, Joe, Nick and Zach

....and Steve and our desserts at Friendly's after the dance.  YUMMMM!

Steve took me to a Phillies game on my birthday with was way fun.  We got to sit in the Hall of Fame Club and Jamie Moyer waved to me.  Way cool!!

Kristin Chenowith sang the national anthem ... Way cool, again!!!

This very enthusiastic young man came to our seats, gave me a hat, threw confetti on my head, and led all the people around me in "Happy Birthday".  Super Cool!!

I might have been a little embarrassed.

There we are in front of the broadcast booths

And there it proverbial "name up in lights" on the Phillies scoreboard (mine is the fifth one down).  It was a great evening and we had a very fun time in spite of the fact that the Phillies lost.  

The following weekend was the Father and Son camp out.  This takes place every year around this time and usually falls on Mother's Day weekend.  Here is a shot of Nathan from the camp out.

I guess Steve thought he should take this photo for Geoffrey since it shows that his company sponsors the scout camp.  While the boys go camping we girls (sometimes it's just Ginny and me - this year Megan was here, too) stay home and watch a chick flick (usually Pride and Prejudice) and relax.  It was a nice weekend for all.

These next photos are just random ones from the rest of the month, but I wanted to include each one of them for different reasons.

And here is a nice photo from Ali Stecher and Robert Fredrickson's wedding of Megan and Steve dancing.  It was a fun party and a happy celebration for the happy many great friends to be thankful for.

Here's a Sunday morning photo of Steve and Evan tying their ties.  I really like it.  Steve was recently called into our bishopric so he and Evan are rarely getting ready at the same time now.   

Here is a photo we took at night of the progress on the Philadelphia Temple.  It has been fun to watch it coming along whenever we drive through Philadelphia.  Can't wait until we will be able to go there on a regular basis.  What a blessing.

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Temple Square Visit

We flew out to come home on Sunday.  We were able to stop for short time in Salt Lake on our way up to the airport.  Evan insisted that he didn't remember ever going to Temple Square so we thought it was a good place to start.  We looked around the square, listened to an organ recital and took an abbreviated tour of the conference center.  At almost every spot, Evan would say something like...."Oh yeah, I think I remember being here before."  I'm glad he remembers.  It is a beautiful place no matter how many times we have been there.

Megan, Nathan, and Evan with the Salt Lake Temple in the background

Steve, Megan, Evan, Nathan, and Grandma

Such a strong guy :)

Jimmie's Early Birthday Party

Since there were a bunch of us visiting at Em's graduation time, she decided that it would be a good idea to have an early birthday party for Jimmie so that we could all participate.  He had a great time checking out his gifts and playing with his toys and cake.  Very fun for an almost one year old!!

Unwrapping Aunt Kim's gift...

...a little couch - just his size

Such a happy boy

Taking a selfie with Grandma

Such cute little Superman letters in Jimmie's birthday sign

" I have to wear this cool birthday crown?"

Check out this cool Superman cake!!

Cool!!  Look at those candles

Since the theme of the party was Superman, Emily made this cool background to do a photo booth for the party....complete with word bubbles and props.  Very fun!!

Grandma, Jimmie, and Aunt Megan

Jim, Jimmie, and Emily - What hams!!!

We even got in some bowling as part of the celebration the next day!!  What a fun time!
Happy Birthday, Jimmie!!!

Emily's BYU Graduation

We were so happy that the whole family could be out in Utah this year for Em's graduation.  It was even nicer that the days of the graduation ceremonies were just beautiful.  Em decided to show us some of the beautiful blossoming trees.  Here are some of the shots we got on Thursday before the general university graduation.

Here's Emily holding up the "Y" on the mountain

A great shot of Em in front of the beautiful mountains

Jim and Emily

Jim, Emily, and Jimmie - A very proud day

Jim's Aunt Kim was also able to be there from New Jersey

Here's Grandma Foulk and Em

Steve and I - very proud of our graduate

We attended the graduation which featured a surprise address from Pres. Uchtdorf who was attending since his grandson was graduating.  As we were waiting for the ceremony to start, someone found Sarah Kunz's name in the program so we decided to text Milan and Leslie to see if they were there.  Unbelievably, in that huge Marriott Center, they were sitting about 16 rows in front of us in our section.  Crazy.  It was very fun to talk to them.  After the ceremony, we got this photo of the graduates.  There were even more than we knew.

Scott Kunz, Emily and Jimmie, Sarah Kunz, and her fiance Brigham

The next day was Emily's college convocation.  It started at 8am.  Jimmie was pretty excited to see Mommy graduate as you can see
He made it through the ceremony but Daddy did have to take him out in the hall.  :)

There she is.....headed up to get her diploma

I think she's happy to be done....what do you think?

With her proud Grandma

The traditional shot in front of the BYU sign - NICE!!!

We had to get one by the Education College building


There she is at the cougar emblem by the stadium....

...and shaking the hand of the famous Cougar statue.

Ummmm, we may have had a little too much time waiting in line to take the cougar photo

Uhhh...yep, definitely too much time.

But it was sure fun hanging out together!!

Adios friend....It's been a fun four + years!!

Congratulations, Emily.  We are all so proud of your accomplishments!!