Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Gotta Love Cub Scouts!!!

The end of the school year is a very busy time for Cub Scouts....especially when some of the activities usually done earlier in the year get pushed to May and June.  :)  But, bottom line is, any time cub scouts get together is a good time. Sure love this bunch!!

When Bishop Feuz was released as our bishop, we decided to make him a card and give him a little "Thank You" gift.  Here are the boys working on the card.

Part way through the activity, who should come in the door right by where we were working but Bishop Feuz.  The boys hurried to hide the card and then were able to make amazing small talk with Brother Feuz until he moved on to his scheduled meeting.  Phew!!!  The surprise was successful!!

In early June we held our Pinewood Derby with the Moorestown Ward at their building.  The boys were amazing sports and we had really fun refreshments and creative awards thanks to my sister, Jan.  For me, the best part was that all the winners were different from last year.  Fun night!!!

The boys with their cars

Dylan Tingey for the win!!
Check out the great candy car awards for each boy!! Loved them!!

Second place - Carter Scheimreif

Ayden Malone came in third
I forgot to take a photo of the treats, but they turned out so cute.  Thank you, Pinterest!!
 Here are some of the online photos to give an idea.  We also had some cute water bottles with a fuel logo that I made up.  The left overs water bottles can be seen in our Cub Fun Day photos below.  Fun times!!

Fun DIY toy car fruit for kids babble delightful diy
Healthy Apple-Grape cars

Teddy grahams on mini candy bars w/M wheels
Milky Way/Teddy Graham/M&M cars

transportation 1st birthday party
Pretzel Traffic Lights

The day after school got out, we had a Cub Fun Day here at our house.  The stake did not sponsor a cub day camp this year, so we decided to have a full day of fun on our own.  The weather was perfect and I think all the boys had a wonderful time.  Thanks to Jim Jarema, Jason Scheimreif, Nathan, and Megan for all your help.  Even Evan said, "Great job, Mom!" at the end of the day.  :)
The boys learned how to fold a flag, and then Brother Jarema handed out a bunch of cool stuff to the boys.

The boys checking out their loot

I think they like their new stuff!!!

Nathan led the boys in various relays, basketball, and games

They were drenched with sweat when they were done!!!

The boys and Brother Scheimreif built a really cool marble track using a ladder, masking tape and pool noodles cut in half.  It was amazing!!


Megan (aka Pocahontas) came to visit and help with our Native American section.  We shared an Indian legend and learned some symbols for writing.  Each boy then made up a story that they shared and made a drum to put the story on.

Carter working on his story

Aidan sharing his

Ayden sharing a smile

Evan, busy at work

What a great group

Putting the drums together

And here's our little tribe

One of the other activities was to make sudsy snakes...very fun!!!
Didn't get a picture of swimming, hot dog and s'more cooking, or our exploding sandwich bags, but suffice it to say it was a way fun day!!!

Dylan was not able to attend our fun day, so a week or so later Evan had Dylan and Ayden over for a swimming play date.  Both Aidan and Dylan have now moved from our area and we will miss them both.  They have been wonderful additions to  our group.

Here is a great photo I took of Evan, Dylan, and Ayden.  
Love these guys!!

1 comment:

  1. I do not know if you realize that just by typing one of these children’s names on Google that all of these photos come up. I have never consented to have my son’s photos to be placed on this blog or online and have turned this in to Google as unsafe. Please take all photos with Ayden down immediately. You have made this unsafe by posting pictures and names on the internet without parental approval. Thank you.
