Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Mid-August brought two big challenges to our family.  But before you feel too sorry for us, you should know that these were both challenges we chose to participate in....and both for a great cause.
The first one was the ALS ice bucket challenge.  It was all the rage in August and raised a ton of money for the ALS Foundation.  Here are Steve and I doing our ice water dump.  Megan, Nathan, Evan, Geoffrey, baby Jimmie, and lots of aunts, uncles and cousins did it to.  It was a lot of fun.

The other challenge that started in August was our family fitness challenge.  Janelle challenged those in our family who wanted to try it to do the 8-week fitness challenge with her.  She had done it in the spring with some friends and decided to try it again.  Eight of us decided to join her.  It was really good for us and we had fun checking up on each other and encouraging each other with tips, recipes, etc.  Way fun.  Stephanie ended up winning the challenge with Janelle coming in second and Grandma Foulk coming in third.  Congrats to everyone who participated.  It was a lot of fun!!!!

Thankfully, our garden produced about 8-10 pickings of these great beans. 
Very good for the fitness challenge!!

These, on the other hand, were not good for the fitness challenge.  
I think we must have taken this photo to document one of our sweet days.  :)

This amazing design was Evan's work.  He was in charge of our Family Home Evening treat one Monday night during the challenge and it was not a sweet day.  He decided to get very creative with some delicious fruit instead.

Nice job, buddy!!  (Meg was very impressed, too.)

And here are Steve and Meg doing yoga together.  Such a fit bunch!!
Let's here it for the Foulk Family Fitness Challenge!!!!

1 comment:

  1. man, I've been keeping up with the exercise since the challenge. i'm getting up every day before james and lucy. not alan of course. but not controlling the sweets at all. halloween candy has not been good for me!!!
