Thursday, October 8, 2009

Some Fun Family Travels

It was such a blessing to have my parents come and visit us at the end of September. It has been almost two years since they were here for Janelle and Scott's wedding. On Saturday, Grandpa Tucker helped us cut down a tree in our yard that had a big dead area in the top of it.

That evening, Mom got to come with me to the General RS Broadcast which was a wonderful thing. Living so far from family means that you don't get to do things together like that very often.

After church on Sunday, the whole family, including Grandma Foulk, left for Gettysburg.

It has been many years since we have visited there.

Our kids still at home had never been there and mom and dad said it had been about 40 years since they were there last.

We got caught in a little rain, but for the most part had a wonderful trip and really gained a greater appreciation for those who served during the Civil War.

We were able to stay until Monday night because the kids had a day off from school.

We celebrated Grandpa Tucker's 72nd birthday on Tuesday (a day late because of our trip).....another thing we don't get to do very often.
Thanks so much for letting us be involved in that special event with you, Grandpa.
On Wednesday, we traveled to NYC to attend a temple session at the Manhattan Temple and maybe see a matinee Broadway show. Well, things don't always turn out like you expect. We got caught in a terrible traffic jam on the NJ turnpike and ended getting into New York in time to go to the temple, but not in time for any show. But never fear.....other tender mercies were in the works. We stopped by the office of Pres. Corbitt (he works in the temple building as the public affairs director for the church in this area....he is also our Stake President)so that my parents could say hello and an amazing thing happened. As he was coming out of his office to meet us, two interns came out with him and the young man got this amazed look on his face and just ran over and hugged my mom and dad. Well, myself, Steve, Pres. Corbitt, and the other intern just kind of stood there like....."OK? What's going on here?" Turns out that this young man had served with my parents on their mission to Novosibirsk Russia. It was a wonderful reunion and we all agreed...much better than any matinee.

We then headed out to see some sights via subway (Ground Zero, Times Square, Grand Central Station, Lincoln Center) and as we came back to pick up the car and head home, a TV crew from ABC News stopped us and asked if Grandpa Tucker would help them with a shoot they were doing. They needed someone who looked like Warren Buffet from the back, to represent him in a piece they were doing for NIGHTLINE. We figured..."Why not" and went with them and did the shoot. Very fun!!! It was also fun to be able to call everyone on the way home and tell them to watch NIGHTLINE that night so they could see Tom Tucker the STAR!!!! Steve also made it into the filming. The day turned out nothing like we planned, but boy, was it ever fun.

We also made a trip to Columbus Market (kind of a tradition) and then to a Phillies game on Thursday night.

The Phils lost, but we had a fun time anyway. All in all, a really fun time with Grandma and Grandpa Tucker. Thanks so much for coming, Mom and Dad!!

1 comment:

  1. Did you really do this post when I was there? When? I didn't even know you were posting! I love the pic of the guys on the tree stump. Classic.
