Monday, December 17, 2012

Fall Happenings

There comes a time about a week before Christmas where I realize that unless I take a few minutes and tell about some of our recent happenings, I will be writing about November in January.  I am pretty sure that has happened the last few years.  So, here are some of our late November happenings.

Some tasty turkeys!!!
Cub scouting is going great in the Medford Ward.  Here are some shots from our November Pack Meeting. We may be small but we have a great time!!

Dylan with his new bobcat badge

Nathan with his whittling chip

Evan receiving his belt loop for BB shooting

Here are the boys building their first aid kits - Thanks so much, Brother Jarema

I went to a fun bridal shower for Lana Sikahema. She and her family are good friends of ours and she will marry the son of our other good friends, the Corbitts this month.  We are very happy for them.  

Another reason I love looking at these photos is that they remind me that I was able to travel down to the shower with two old friends from the Moorestown Ward.  Years ago we were in the Medford Ward together but due to boundary changes, we don't get to see each other as often these days.  Their names are Mary Ann Bramhall and Andrea Christensen.  Well, two days ago, Andrea passed away.  She has suffered with MS for years, but her death was not expected.  So glad I got to catch up with her on this happy occasion!  A tender mercy, indeed.

We so enjoyed having Janelle and her family come down  to spend Thanksgiving with us.  Scott's brother, Michael, and his wife, Sarah, and their son, Micah also came down from Boston.  Such fun!!  Here is Grandpa with James and Alan on the swings.

James looking into a bright sun

"Push me higher, Grandpa!"

Our own little Turkey Bowl......

....with our own little Turkeys!!!  Great job, guys!!

Alan, Micah, and James...such cute little cousins

Here are some of the shots taken when Scott, Nathan, and Steve went down Thanksgiving weekend to help with clean-up from Hurricane Sandy 

Little memories everywhere

This used to make beautiful music, I'm sure

"When We're Helping, We're Happy"

They carried all kinds of stuff to the curb to be picked up

Nate standing in the same spot.  You can see the devastation across the street, as well.

Many hands were there to help

Alan strikes a patriotic this one!!!


  1. So sorry to hear about Sister Christiansen, I had no idea! Wonderful that you were able to spend some time with her before she went though. Such a sweet lady. Bridal showers are always fun and WAY cute cupcakes!! Love those :) Thanks for sharing such fun pictures. See you guys in a few days!
