Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Home Boys

Just wanted to do a post dedicated to my two sons still at home.  We have a lot of friends our age who are official  "empty nesters" these days.  I am sure there will come a time when I will be ready for that phase of my life, but I am not there yet.  I am thankful that we still have ball games to go to, PTA assignments, scout stuff going on (well, most days I'm thankful for scouts), and kids to play games with and have Family Home Evening with.  We started our family with a lot of girls...which was great.  I never thought way back then that we would be spending our time with just two boys.  But, I am so grateful for both of them and the great young men they are.  Sure love you guys....and your great dad, too.

Evan sporting his hair combed to a mohawk

This little creation greeted us upon arriving home from a date night recently.  The boys apparently just felt like constructing something from marshmallows and toothpicks.

Here are the cookies we recently decorated for FHE.  The boys made them while we were out another night and then we frosted them together. They were DELICIOUS!!!   Merry Christmas to all!!

1 comment:

  1. Alan just came up while I was looking this and pointed to the toothpick-marshmallow model and said "Oh, that looks kinda fancy! What is it?" Perhaps something to keep them busy in the near future. :)
