Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Merry Christmas

We had a relatively small group here for Christmas this year but it has been so fun to have them.  In addition to our little family of four, we had Megan home from BYU-I and Geoffrey home from his new job in Mississippi.  He will be able to stay until New Year's Day and Megan will be staying until January 7th.  She is off track for the Winter semester, but has been invited to take classes during that time due to the smaller number of students attending this semester.  It is a nice thing for her.  She had previously planned to stay there and take online classes and work, but will now be able to take classes on a regular schedule. 

"Welcome home, big sister."

Our decorated tree

Delivering popcorn

Here is the crew ready to come down on Christmas morning.

We always come first to the dining room where the manger has been throughout the month.  We put pieces of straw in the manger basket when we have done something kind or helpful.  The hope is that the basket will have plenty of soft straw in preparation for Baby Jesus to come on Christmas.  Here is the view Christmas morning.....

....along with the viewers.

Then we move into the family room so the kids can see what Santa has brought them.  
Here's Nate with his new Colts blanket.

Megan and Geoffrey checking out there gifts from Santa

Checking things out

We were so happy to have Grandma come up to watch the kids open gifts.  

Nate with his new guitar

Evan with his Kindle

"Hey Mom, can we take the stockings down now?"

"Here Geoffrey, I'll help.  Wait, it's not coming off"

"How does this work again?  Dad can you come help?"

"I'll hold this part and you switch over to the end.  I can't get that end piece off.  Whoops, we dropped one."  This year we saw a particularly entertaining taking down of the stockings.  :)

He seems pretty content.

Grandma enjoying the festivities

Megan in her new warm robe that she opened the night before from Stephanie

Checking out the new guitar

Trying out his new Rainbow Loom for making bracelets

Handing out the gifts

Opening gifts

Ginny found a soft place from which to watch all the happenings.

Opening his gift from Mom and Dad 

Nate opening the gift he gave to himself.  He had ordered it on the 23rd and since it came the next day he decided to wrap it all up for himself.

Here are his new golf clubs....courtesy of himself  :)

A new DVD from Grandma

Megan with her Sunday quilt. Grandma made it from pieces of a quilt top that 
Great-grandma Chapman had put together before she died.  

Steve's new coat

Evan checking out his gift from Grandma 

Nate in his Phillies Santa hat

Geoffrey opening his gift from Tracey's family 

Some jeans!!!  

Steve opening up his gift from Evan

Nikki and Kaci at Grandma's house

Happy Birthday, Tracey!!

Last year the kids went together to get me the basic Willow Tree nativity set.  This year they gave me more pieces to it.  I absolutely love it!!!  I am so thankful for my sweet family.  Stephanie, Marc and Karsten spent Christmas at their home in Burbank this year and Emily, Jim, and Jimmie were at their home in Provo.  Janelle, Scott and their little ones were home in Boston where they were able to join with Scott's parents and Michael and Sarah in their Christmas celebration.  Even though we were spread out this year, we were able to talk to everyone and still enjoy the special spirit that Christmas brings.  Merry Christmas - 2013.


  1. Where have I been? You have a blog and I haven't even read it!!! I loved catching up on the Foulk family! Love you!

  2. Just read this now! Sad, I'm catching up though. :) Love some of these pics
