Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mission Call

Well, the day finally came!!  Nathan had submitted his mission papers around May 20th so we were hoping that his mission call might arrive in the mail by early June.  Stephanie was in New Jersey visiting and Janelle and family were scheduled to come to see Evan in a play at school on June 2nd so we thought all those people might be here when the call came.  Well, we were looking past the mark, I guess.  In fact, with Jimmie's party and everything, we didn't even think to check the mail on Saturday.  Didn't think in a million years that the call would come in a week and a half.  Someone happened to go out and get the mail on Sunday and there it was.....the big envelope from church headquarters!!!
Nathan was super excited just to finally know where he would be going.  So, we called people and set up a time to open the call.  Aaaaand......

Nathan will be serving in the Russia Yekaterinburg Mission!!!
So exciting.  We'll miss you Elder Foulk.

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