Wednesday, November 7, 2012

End of the Year Garden Yield

Gardens can be tricky things.  You think you've learned what works and what doesn't each year when you finish.  Then when you apply what you have learned to the next year's planting, you learn new and different things.  This year, we once again did some things right and some things wrong.  It took forever for any tomatoes to come on our vines, but when they did, they were wonderful.  

These were all picked around the end of September....

...and this was the yield when we pulled out all our plants  on October 27th prior to the big hurricane being forecast.  I made some delicious green tomato jelly and we enjoyed or are still enjoying the rest. It was a late yield, but it was a good one.  We'll see what next year brings.


  1. Yum! You will have to impart your wisdom to us. I think we are going to try it next year.

  2. Quite the harvest! Didn't really appreciate all of this when I lived there, but I just bought so many of those veggies at the store yesterday. Glad you got them before Sandy!
