Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Presidential Election - 2012

I have been trying to catch up on some of our happenings over the last several months and have a number of things still to write about, but I just felt that I needed to write down my feelings today.  Over the last year+ our country has been in the middle of an all consuming presidential race.  Although I am not normally  such a huge follower of every twist and turn of an election, this year was different.  I might not want to admit it,  but the main reason for this is that a member of our church, Mitt Romney, was actually a major party candidate.  This has led to increased interest and understanding for the church.  It has also brought about ridicule and nastiness.  Under the current president, Barack Obama, the country has taken a drastic turn away from principles and beliefs that I hold very dear such as self-sufficiency, thrift, decency, and even freedom.  We had very high hopes that the tide would turn and that wisdom would be restored to the oval office.  But last night we witnessed Romney's defeat and it was heartbreaking for me.  Even though I know that the right thing to do at this time is to move forward, pray for the president and other leaders, and have hope for the future, it is a hard thing to swallow today.  
I am thankful for the Romney family's courage and faith.  They have truly fought the good fight and I know that this country is better for their efforts in spite of the fact that they did not win. I will be praying for their family as well.  


  1. It was all rather depressing. We visited the LA temple yesterday. It helped with the "all is lost" feeling.

  2. As we tell our first graders, "It hurt my heart", too. Very well said.
