Friday, November 2, 2012

PERU (Part 6) Lima

We left Puno on Friday, August 24, and headed to our final destination, Lima, the capital of Peru.
After arriving at our hotel which took us forever to get to because of a big traffic jam, we decided that since we just had the late afternoon and evening, we would take a taxi to the temple.  We knew we wanted to go there and that it would take a taxi ride any time we went, so this seemed like the time to go. We went to the lobby of our hotel and had a lovely supper and then headed to the temple.   Megan wanted to see it too, so she came along and planned to go to the visitor's center to sort through her photos on the computer while Steve and I went in to do a session.

The Lima Peru  Temple, taken just as we arrived

Steve and I just before going in

We enjoyed our session and I was able to use an English headset so that I understood everything.  We met the temple president and his wife and spent a few minutes talking with them after our session.  Unfortunately, Megan did not have such a good experience while we were in the temple.  While in the visitor's center, her phone and ipod were stolen.  A man came up to her, asked about the time, and sat down in a chair next to her, laying his coat over her purse.  He left after a little while, and when she reached into her purse to get her phone, she found she had been robbed.  She was so upset, but could not speak to anyone because she does not speak Spanish.  She said she went outside an tried to find the man, but could not.  She went back inside and tried to control her emotions, but there was a young man sitting across from her that could tell she was upset.  When his mom came in from the session, he pointed Megan out and his mom (who thankfully spoke English) came over and asked Megan if she was OK.  She just broke down crying and told her what had happened.  This kind sister brought Megan into the foyer of the temple to us.  We went to the security gate which video tapes at various places in the temple out buildings, but there was nothing that could be done.  Everyone was so apologetic and took our number to call if they found anything, but we knew it was a professional job and we were not going to get our things back.  We were so thankful that Megan was safe, but still felt violated.  It started to feel like it was time to go home.  :)  I think the thing that was so upsetting was that we had been so vigilant during our whole trip since we had been warned of pick pockets,etc.  But when we let down our guard for just a minute, on the temple grounds of all places, we were taken advantage of.  Tough night.

We got up the next morning determined to make it a good day....and we did!!
We took a taxi downtown to see the sights there.  It was an overcast day, but still pleasant.  Here are some of the places we visited.

The Municipal Palace on the Plaza de Armas

The Archbishop's Palace...known for its intricately carved wooden balconies
This is also on the Plaza Mayor (Plaza de Armas or Major Plaza)

Presidential Palace 

Changing of the guard at the Presidential Palace

School children arriving at the changing of the guard ceremony
Notice the armed guard preventing any spectators from going beyond the yellow line

The Lima Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral
We discovered that since the cathedral is a public place, even a wedding could not keep the tourists out.  It was so fun to just sit and watch the whole wedding.  The music was amazing, sung by a trio of men that sounded like they could have been the Three Tenors.

A photo op down the aisle

A look at the beautiful ceiling....

...and the happy couple.  Very fun!!

So, there is a funny story that goes with this picture.  This is at the base of a statue in the Plaza de San Martin.  The statue was commissioned in Spain to commemorate the 100 anniversary of Peru's independence.  The woman was supposed to have a crown of flames on her head.  But since the word  for flame in Spanish is llama, the artist mistakenly carved a small llama on the woman's head.  :)

These next photos were all taken at the Parque de la Reserva.  This is a park full of different fountains which are illuminated after dark.  It was amazing.

Teapot and cup fountain

Steve putting his hand through the tunnel fountain

Yep, you could walk right through fun

Steve and Megan going through

As it got dark, the fountains were lit up

Megan and Steve inside the portico with the fountain in the background

This one reminded us of the Bellagio fountain from Ocean's Eleven 

They even had a laser show on the fountain at night

One last pose by the tunnel fountain..Meg and Mom

We didn't eat her, but we spotted these little carts outside the entrance to the park.  Steve had been telling us that they used to buy anticuchos  (basically, meat on a stick) on the street all the time, and this was the first cart selling them that we saw...had to get the photo

We took a taxi back to the Miraflores section where we were staying.  Steve wanted to go to a place called Manolo's.  They served churros that you could dip in thick hot chocolate.  We also got some tres leches cake.  He had never been to this particular place, but they used to have a place with the same name in Arequipa where the missionaries loved to go and get American style hamburgers when he was on his mission.  It was delicious!!!

Scenes  from Miraflores on our last night...beautiful architecture..... 

.....and one of the biggest McDonald's we had ever seen!! 

Here are Meg and Steve in our hotel room on the night before we left.  The looks on their faces are a combination of "We're tired", "We are ready to speak English", and "We just found out there is a storm headed toward Florida which could impact our flight through Ft. Lauderdale."
Thankfully, it didn't and it was an amazing, once in a lifetime trip!!!

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